Spring Flushing of Water Lines is scheduled for April 10 -13, 2017
Each Spring and Fall, the water system fire hydrants are tested and flushed as an important preventive maintenance activity. Although it may appear to waste water, this process is part of a routine maintenance program necessary to ensure fire hydrants are working properly and the water system continues to deliver the highest quality water possible to our customers.
Flushing the water system on a routine basis removes mineral sediment from the groundwater source that has accumulated in the water lines and keeps the entire water distribution system refreshed.
During the flushing procedure, residents in the immediate vicinity of the work may experience temporary discoloration of their water. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and precipitates and does not affect the safety of the water. If you experience discoloration in your water after crews have been flushing in your neighborhood, clear the pipes in your own home by running all water faucets for a minute or two.
This same philosophy of water line preventive maintenance is one that you should use in your own home. Your home’s water heater should be drained and flushed at least once a year to keep it working efficiently and to protect the quality of water inside your home. Also, if you go out of town and there is no water use in your home for a week or more, when you return it’s always a good idea to run all your faucets for a minute or so before using the water. This ensures that you don’t use any stagnant water that may have developed in your home’s pipes while you were away.